Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts

January 05, 2020

Challenge: Share your ride !

Downtown Puebla street - Callejon del Sapo
A month ago, I was traveling by bus from Morelos to Puebla city during the night. When I ask for my stop around 21-22 hours, more people get down too. It was a scary scene due there were just two local taxi units and no more transportation. Therefore, there was no other choice than ask for an Uber ride.  I observe the situation. Almost everybody was using their cellphone to call their friends or families.

Two cars get immediately and lift three persons. Then a young boy and I kept there a little bit more. We were waiting for a better tariff of the Uber.  As the price was elevated, I decided to ask him. Do you want to share the ride? When he said, I already pick one. And it will get here in a minute. Suddenly he surprises me, asking back, "If you want, I can pick you up to a safer place." I accept and think:  
If you break the ice you will be able to offer or get a ride 

Last weekend during midday I was standing at the bus stop an older man was there too.  We wait for 10-15 minutes, and the bus did not appear.  What was happening with public transportation?  I did not know, but I felt it was unsafe to keep in one place for an extended period.  Then I proceed to get an Uber and remember the last day when the young guy offers me a ride. This DejaVu makes me think: Its time to get back, Let's share my ride. 

I know it is difficult to open a conversation with somebody you don't know, but if there is a purpose where you can help somebody else. Then there is an excellent opportunity to show gratitude.  I think this challenge will promote kind gestures, like the movie Pay it Forward when somebody receives the support he must pay it forward and create a change.  It is a great movie, I can give you the link if you want to watch in old ways DVD.

Pay it forward movie: 

This challenge its a way to give something. Have you ever share something like a ride, a book, a cup of coffee? Well, you can share your story in the comments below.  Have a great day, and remember. Small things make a bigger difference.

January 01, 2020

Winter vacation of a Mexican young scientist

Reading Alebrijes by Cecilia Reyes 
Winter vacation on the public school system means three full weeks doing something else; personal stuff maybe,  I am not sure about working but resting is a must.

As a postdoctoral fellowship, I am not able to get into the university facilities to do some office or experimental work in the laboratory. That means that all the experimental work is on a pause. Well, this situation brings me to the next question.

Is it healthy to continue working during vacations ?  I mean, doing some reading or drafting a manuscript for a scientific publication.
For Ph.D. holders who are working right now on Mexican universities and who already got the National Research system grant (SNI-CONACYT)  maybe it is a duty to work during vacations because of the process to obtain a product (student graduation, scientific publication, patents as innovation ) take a lot of time. For those who are not familiar with SNI systems, every three years we are evaluated and if we do not fill the minimum requirement to maintain the grant then the membership and grant are retired.

I remember that when I was a Ph.D. student from 2013-2017 at UNAM, we used to work during vacations because when there is a big resting time we usually got out of focus from the research project. In my experience, I always recommend my colleagues to not take vacations during the thesis writing process because there is a risk of losing focus or inspiration. But now is slightly different.

Taking vacations, rest and go with your family but maybe it is ok but I thin not full time. For example in my experience, I do nothing related to work during the two weeks but right now I begin to feel not productive. I react to this feeling by doing some activities called "Hobbies".
 I used to do three constant activities: Reading,  programming learning and right now writing. 

Sometimes these activities are not related to science, for example, my reading motivation of this year is to be able to answer the following questions: What is it happening outside of my country in a political way?; How the human being got here to the actual world?. An, of course, be present about the environmental situation. 

This is the last vacation week: What are you going to do?  Travel, Read, Vist your friends,  Go with your Family, Work or maybe learn something new. 

November 17, 2019

Advance Materials group at IFUAP-BUAP

Dra. Mou Pal group: Research and development of metal chalcogenides, metal oxides nanoparticles. ( Happy Birthday ) From left to right: Andres, Marifer, Cancino, Dra. Mou Pal, Denise, Me (Jesus Capistran).  

Is it hard to get a postdoctoral stay in Mexico?

Coffee cup at IFUAP-BUAP (From MIT) 
In Mexico, 2019 is a hard year for Science and technology due to two main reasons: a) Change of Mexican president followed with a change of political flagship and b) Corruption priority besides economical aspects.

This year I had the opportunity to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship from Conacyt-International to spend one year at EMPA-Switzerland.  In August, the results came and I was not selected. These results are followed by a reduction of federal found for Conacyt and the government bet for carbon-based fuels. 

Fortunately, I had a plan B. I apply for a postdoctoral fellowship at the BUAP founded by the program SEP-PRODEP.  The process for a stay from PRODEP is really slow, the application opens in February and closes the last day of September.  The problem is the results they come from a minimum time of 3 months. In my case, the results came after 6 months of wait.

Last week IFUAP-BUAP give the results they accept my stay but I should move quickly to Puebla City.  For that reason here I am taking a cup of coffee from the cafeteria at IFUAP.  How a great surprise they give me before the winter season. I feel great in one of the best institutions and universities in Mexico for superior education or bachelor grade.

If you are a  new 2019-postdoctoral working in Mexico please tell us: How was your experience getting that position? If you are interested in a postdoctoral position, please check these three opportunities:
You are allowed to apply for the three in a row during the year. Do it and don't lose opportunities. 

October 30, 2019

Job Interview - Cluster Puebla - Artifex Angels

Yesterday, I had the fortune to meet three founders of Artifex Angels at Titanium Tower. When I get to the lobby, the next message can be read on the wall.
Titanium tower provides business space solutions to medium and large firms. It offers a strategic location for international business in Mexico as well as a unique setting for entrepreneurs.
What a great message for an entrepreneur researcher (academic) because I found a place where real businesses are done, and maybe after this job interview, I could begin the path to become a business leader on innovation in the renewable energy sector.  

This place makes me realize I have new dreams to catch as an entrepreneur seeking and promoting the acquisition of renewables, or as one of the founders said, you could be an articulator (linker) between industry and the hubs for new business. 

What do you think was the result of the job interview?

May 10, 2019

Discurso de graduación - 2018 IER-UNAM

Compañeros, amigos, familiares y profesores.
Es un honor estar aqui con ustedes

Primero, demos gracias a nuestros seres queridos por esta oportunidad, pero más que nada quiero que tu mismo te agradezcas por ser valiente y haber aceptado este reto. Muchos de nosotros nos alejamos de nuestra familia para estar en la UNAM. Quienes vienen de lejos o de ciudad saben que es una experiencia épica. Sin embargo, hoy que egresamos nos damos cuenta que valió la pena.

Recordar es vivir. Como olvidar el curso propedéutico, el examen de admisión, las clases, todas las horas en los laboratorios, las fiestas, las evaluaciones semestrales y la bendita beca Conacyt, este apoyo que a muchos nos permitió independizarnos. Seguramente, ahora somos adultos más responsables. Oh hacemos el intento.

El tiempo que pasamos en IER lo podemos medir en días. Yo prefiero que en este momento lo recordemos en tazas de café compartidas, desayunos, convivios y todas aquellas actividades que nos han permitido conocernos, no solo en el ámbito profesional sino también en el personal, como amigos.

Soy-Orgullosamente-UNAM y pertenezco a la familia Nair. No puedo decir hasta pronto sin antes expresarles el sentimiento de unidad que se logra dentro de nuestra casa. El conocimiento en cada una de las áreas del IER, está al alcance de todos. La colaboración entre alumnos, profesores y toda la comunidad es el componente esencial para el desarrollo de profesional.

Compañeros, seamos responsables del conocimiento adquirido, divulguemos e inspiramos a las nuevas generaciones. Recordemos que son los pequeños actos los que de verdad cambiarán el mundo.

En hora buena, exito a todos. Gracias !!!


Jesús Capistrán-Martínez
Yareli Colin-García
Fabiola DeBray-Sanchez

April 28, 2019

¿Que estoy leyendo? Información útil para mejorar la presencia online

Recientemente re-abri mi blog con la intención de construir un perfil acádemico e incluir  las lecturas cientificas que realizo de forma periodica para manterme actualizado sobre el desarrollo de materiales semiconductores de película delgada. 

Redacción del blog y muestra de una anotación realizada de una tesis doctoral sobre desarrollo de kesteritas

La idea de compartir la revisión de literatura surge de la experiencia personal en manejo de información del material científicos leído. De forma personal el proceso que yo sigo es el siguiente:  
  • Búsqueda de contenido
  • Descargar artículo cientifico y guardar en la computadora 
  • Leer con un lector de PDF o un organizador de artículos como MENDELEY
  • Resaltar las secciones interesantes y hacer notas personales
  • Compartir y discutir los descubrimientos con los compañeros del grupo de trabajo 
    • Nota: La discusión se encuentra en función del numero de participantes del grupo de trabajo con tema afín, en caso de no contar con compañeros es indispensable discutir con el mentor o investigador principal a cargo.
Todo este proceso se lleva acabo de forma física y personal. Esto quiere decir que el archivo de notas y los artículos descargados quedan resguardados de forma física en la computadora personal o en la proporcionada por la  institución. La información corre el riesgo de desaparecer, claro esta que el conocimiento adquirido se mantendrá en cada uno de nosotros. Esto ultimo no se juzga, pero estamos aquí para hablar sobre ¿Que estoy leyendo?.

Obviamente, siguiendo la moda en curso sobre las redes sociales. Mencionar a nuestros pares académicos o dar la oportunidad de que ellos conozcan cual es la literatura que nos encontramos leyendo demuestra que estamos activos consumiendo contenido científico y  por lo cual estamos actualizados respecto al tema de interés. A mi parecer esta es una forma de construir un perfil académico. La cuestión ahora es ¿Como lo hacemos?