December 05, 2019

Laboratory - Bismuth Sulfide thin films

Location: Physics Institute of BUAP, Puebla, Pue.  
Chemical deposition:  Bi2S3 Bismuth Sulfide
Supervisor: M.C Denisse Loeza 

Chemical deposition of bismuth sulfide from the master thesis work of M.C. Denisse Loeza. This work has the intention to develop new materials (semiconductors) for solar cells. Like the ternary compound Cu3BiS3, which posses potential properties as a p-type semiconductor for absorber layer on thin-film technology. 

Fig.1: Washing Bi2S3 thin films after chemical deposition

Fig.2: Dry using N2 gas 

Fig.3:  Another angle showing the base where the glass substrates are held. 

November 17, 2019

Advance Materials group at IFUAP-BUAP

Dra. Mou Pal group: Research and development of metal chalcogenides, metal oxides nanoparticles. ( Happy Birthday ) From left to right: Andres, Marifer, Cancino, Dra. Mou Pal, Denise, Me (Jesus Capistran).  

Is it hard to get a postdoctoral stay in Mexico?

Coffee cup at IFUAP-BUAP (From MIT) 
In Mexico, 2019 is a hard year for Science and technology due to two main reasons: a) Change of Mexican president followed with a change of political flagship and b) Corruption priority besides economical aspects.

This year I had the opportunity to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship from Conacyt-International to spend one year at EMPA-Switzerland.  In August, the results came and I was not selected. These results are followed by a reduction of federal found for Conacyt and the government bet for carbon-based fuels. 

Fortunately, I had a plan B. I apply for a postdoctoral fellowship at the BUAP founded by the program SEP-PRODEP.  The process for a stay from PRODEP is really slow, the application opens in February and closes the last day of September.  The problem is the results they come from a minimum time of 3 months. In my case, the results came after 6 months of wait.

Last week IFUAP-BUAP give the results they accept my stay but I should move quickly to Puebla City.  For that reason here I am taking a cup of coffee from the cafeteria at IFUAP.  How a great surprise they give me before the winter season. I feel great in one of the best institutions and universities in Mexico for superior education or bachelor grade.

If you are a  new 2019-postdoctoral working in Mexico please tell us: How was your experience getting that position? If you are interested in a postdoctoral position, please check these three opportunities:
You are allowed to apply for the three in a row during the year. Do it and don't lose opportunities.