August 26, 2019

IFUAP - Physics Institute BUAP (POSDOC)

Last April 2019, I wrote a project for a postdoctoral stay at IFUAP. This stay will be founded by PRODEP-SEP. The goal is to reinforce the photovoltaic area developing thin-film solar cells based on novel materials. The application specifies a 3-month deadline for a response (late July). However,  when the deadline arrives, IFUAP said that this response can spend up to  5-months with no compromise. Therefore, this project can not be started.  

All of this is happening due to political reason. When the Mexican government changes most of the funds for public scientific research were frozen until politics trace the new route of investment. Somebodies say that it is due to a re-structure of the funds, but nobody can deny the collateral damage. There are a lot of unemployed people who were founded by Conacyt during their master or a Ph.D. degree.

No matter this situation, I embraced the risk and moved to Puebla City. Here I have been able to meet the researcher, its infrastructure, and the surroundings. BUAP is the Autonomous University of Puebla one of the best of this city.  After three weeks, I have been able to assist the weekly seminars (open to the public), interact with bachelors and Ph.D. Students.  When I saw for the first time the main IFUAP building, I could understand that the university is in a current expansion. They are building its Rectoria Tower.  I'll expect a positive response from IFUAP to be able to do science within collaboration with their specialist. 

Meanwhile, let's discover the history of Puebla located in their museums. And of course, prepare a short manual for solar cells design using SCAPS-1D software.

Fig 1: IFUAP  - Institute of physics - BUAP (Puebla) 

Fig 2: Profile measurements of thin films (co-work and training) 

August 15, 2019

Chemical deposition of antimony sulfide & silver antimony sulfide

The following photographs show the first 30 minutes of the solution reaction for chemical deposition of antimony sulfide thin films. This material is a p-type semiconductor. It is deposited as an amorphous source (Sb-S). The films have the necessary content to produce an orthorhombic lattice after heating above 250 ºC.


Antimony sulfide is used for the research of thin-film solar cells with the following configuration TCO/CdS/Absorber/BackContact.  This film is achieved using the formula reported in the paper I publish during my Ph.D. program (With no AgNO3).  Find it here.

For tips about deposition, feel free to write a comment!

[1] J. Capistrán Martínez, P.K. Nair, Photoconductive thin films of AgSbS2 with cubic crystalline structure in solar cells, Physica Status Solidi (a). 212 (2015) 2869–2876. doi:10.1002/pssa.201532496.

Initial deposition condition temperature near 10 ºC

The reaction of the Sb-S solution begins after 10 minutes. 

The color of the reaction change completely at 30 minutes, this color will be maintained until the controlled precipitation finish. 

After 3-4 hours of deposition, the films look good, there is adherence to the glass substrate and specular reflection in the surface. 

July 11, 2019

Water molecule using Burai 1.3 and Quantum Espresso

Course: Electronic properties of semiconductors by AB-INITIO  

Profesor: Dr. Raciel Jaimes López  (Postdoctoral at IER-UNAM) 

Simulation of water molecule formation using Burai 1.3 and Quantum Espresso
Viewer by Jmol
Last month I attended the course Electronic properties of semiconductor by AB-Initio at IER-UNAM, on the 1st day we had a quick view about the background of DFT (Density Functional Theory), plane waves and pseudopotentials. During the course, we learn about the open-code Quantum Espresso software which is used for electronic-structure calculation and materials modeling at nano-scale.
Here I share the  methodology I follow for the example water-molecule    

  1. Install  BURAI1.3 on MAC (includes Quantum-Espresso)
  2. Install MPI for MAC
  1. Open BURAI  and choose examples/XYZ: Water molecule (