December 16, 2019

Alebrijes - Lectura p.127-129

Lectura corta, páginas 127-129. Excelente libro para disfrutar en compañía de tu ser querido, cuenta la historia del artesano cartonero Pedro Linares López inventor de los Alebrijes en México del siglo XX.

Consíguelo aquí:

December 12, 2019

AFM Training - Tip functions

Responsible research: Dr. Francisco Flores 
Day: 2 

Today I observe how a point for AFM is changed: We need to choose it depending on the material and the measurement we want to perform. For example, the sample of today is gold nanoparticles over a glass substrate then we have tried the TAP300Al-G which is a probe from the company BudgetSensors. This probe is designed for AFM in Tapping mode and is coated with reflective aluminum. 

From the company BudgetSensor, we can discover the function of the tip models: 

  • No coating: is designed for topography purpose 
  • Backside aluminum coating: is designed to enhance the laser reflectivity and ensure stable measurement form highly reflective surfaces. 
  • Backside Gold coating (inertness):  is designed for stable reflection measurement in liquids. 
  • Overall coated Gold: is designed and used for Biological Samples and aggressive chemical ambients. Often use for TIP functionalization.  
  • Cr and Pt coated probe: is designed for electrical measurement like electrostatic force microscopy. 
  • Diamond-like carbon coating: enhance the durability of the tip and is designed to perform many consecutive scans 

Here are some photographies from the training day: 

Figure 1: Change of Tip for AFM Measurement in Bruker Dimension Edge 

Figure 2: Responsible researcher placing the tip in the AFM equipment 

Figure 3:  Getting the sample inside (gold nanoparticles deposited on glass substrate) 

December 10, 2019

What are preprints?

Preprint vs traditional paper submission.  When I was pursuing my bachelor's degree I went to a research center and the first thing I read there was "Science that is not shared is not science" then I had the opportunity to enter this fascinating world of thinkers, conquers or discoverers. 

But, How to share science? There are two ways one is peer review paper manuscript where you are reporting to science community your research this way time schedule is important In my experience  1 year of research is resume in a manuscript which is submitted to the Journal and there peers review can last from 1 - 8 months for a response. If this is favorable the publishing date is scheduled but if not correction suggestion should be made before.  

How about pre-print? This way is new for the community, Actually, my doctoral and postdoctoral advisor are not using it. That's why I am here. Looking on the internet for ideas. We can take advantage of this new method. For sure, sharing new discoveries is the idea of science communication, but the opportunity to have feedback is amazing.  Because in that way is how knowledge is built. 

Feel free to watch the video. Now we need to discover where is the adequate server for preprint submission (at the same time as the peer review journal submission).

Cornel University: 

  • Condensed Matter (Solid state physics) - Link 
    • physics.optics
    • cond-mat.mtrl-sci
  • ChemRxiv: The Preprint Server for Chemistry

December 09, 2019

AFM training: Bruker Dimension Edge at IFUAP

Responsible research: Dr. Francisco Flores 
Day: 1

First training day on AFM Bruker Dimension Edge AFM at the Physics Institute of BUAP. This equipment will allow the measurement of topography properties like roughness and grain size. The researcher in charge explains too that it's possible to acquire electrical conductivity and work function from the surface of the films. 

Model: AFM - Bruker Dimension Edge 

Close up of AFM equipment

Connection block card: National Instrument BNC 2110 

December 06, 2019

Alebrijes - Libro de Cecilia Reyes

Lectura corta, páginas 47-49. Excelente libro para disfrutar en compañía de tu ser querido, cuenta la historia del artesano cartonero Pedro Linares López inventor de los Alebrijes en México del siglo XX. Consíguelo aquí:
-- Un homenaje a la creación del artesano mexicano Pedro Linares López quien en un trance cercano a la muerte tuvo la visión de animales tenebrosos que no eran de este mundo y que más tarde, gracias a su imaginación y a la magia de sus manos, fue capaz de traer a la realidad. "Alebrijes alebrijes", escuchó que gritaban en su sueño.

December 05, 2019

Laboratory - Bismuth Sulfide thin films

Location: Physics Institute of BUAP, Puebla, Pue.  
Chemical deposition:  Bi2S3 Bismuth Sulfide
Supervisor: M.C Denisse Loeza 

Chemical deposition of bismuth sulfide from the master thesis work of M.C. Denisse Loeza. This work has the intention to develop new materials (semiconductors) for solar cells. Like the ternary compound Cu3BiS3, which posses potential properties as a p-type semiconductor for absorber layer on thin-film technology. 

Fig.1: Washing Bi2S3 thin films after chemical deposition

Fig.2: Dry using N2 gas 

Fig.3:  Another angle showing the base where the glass substrates are held.